Blacksmith Interior

Ground Floor Massacre

Blacksmith Interior map, Ground Floor Original Day variant thumbnail
Blacksmith Interior map, Ground Floor Original Night variant thumbnail
Blacksmith Interior map, Ground Floor Forge Off Day variant thumbnail
Blacksmith Interior map, Ground Floor Forge Off Night variant thumbnail
Blacksmith Interior map, Ground Floor Magic Forge Day variant thumbnail
Blacksmith Interior map, Ground Floor Magic Forge Night variant thumbnail
Blacksmith Interior map, Ground Floor Massacre variant thumbnail
Blacksmith Interior map, Ground Floor Props Off Day variant thumbnail
Blacksmith Interior map, Ground Floor Props Off Night variant thumbnail
Blacksmith Interior map, Upper Floor Original Day variant thumbnail
Blacksmith Interior map, Upper Floor Original Night variant thumbnail
Blacksmith Interior map, Upper Floor Props Off Day variant thumbnail
Blacksmith Interior map, Upper Floor Props Off Night variant thumbnail
Blacksmith Interior map, Upper Floor Massacre variant thumbnail
Blacksmith Interior map, Basement Original variant thumbnail
Blacksmith Interior map, Basement Empty variant thumbnail
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The map depicts a pastoral setting where the village forge, workshops, and country road converge. A wooden bridges spans a quiet stream. Birds swim in the tranquil pond. Seasonal and weather variants give your worldbuilding depth and allow you to bring your party back to this location time and time again. Is there a wise NPC who works this forge? Or are there deeper mysteries hidden by the peace of rural life?


Grid tiles

19 × 17

Grid size

140 pixels per tile

Image dimensions

2660 × 2380

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