Using the Battlemaps in Commercial Products
The commercial licence is available to all of our active patrons. To become a patron head over to the Czepeku Patreon to sign up.
We define our 'battlemaps' as any of the top-down tactical map images we release on this patreon to our patrons.

To use our battlemaps in your adventures, supplements, modules, or other published materials you must use a watermarked version of our battlemaps.
Our watermark is available in black or white using the two links below. Please use the white watermark on our darker battlemaps and the black watermark on our lighter battlemaps.
The watermark should be placed in the bottom right corner and should be sized at least one-quarter the width of the battlemap.
These battlemaps are for reference only within the text and the non-watermarked battlemaps themselves are not for distribution alongside the product unless specifically granted permission by us.
See below for an example of a watermarked battlemap:
If you use any of our battlemaps for any commercial reason, we require that you include both of the following:
Our name in the credits as a cartographer (“Cartography by Czepeku” or "Battlemaps by Czepeku") with a link to ""
A link to "" beneath or beside the battlemap or in another prominent location near the battlemap.
If your commercial content is being posted online in a digital marketplace, this attribution must be in the description section.
See below for two good examples of attribution:

Applicable Artwork
All of the battlemaps provided on the Czepeku Patreon are available for commercial use, except for any battlemap made in collaboration with another artist.
The following is an exhaustive list of those battlemaps excluded from the commercial use licence:
- Lease-a-Lair
- Shards of the Storm
- Lair of the Beholder God
- Island Fort
- Tarrasque
- The Mechanical Palace
The commercial use licence only includes Czepeku Battlemaps. All of our other illustrative works are exempt from the licence (illustrations, props, assets, tokens, etc.).
Restrictions on Use
The battlemaps are available only for use within other publications, for example, adventures, modules, world-building, character supplements, etc. The battlemaps themselves are not available for rehosting or resale as standalone items.
In addition:
- You may not recolour, resize to alter proportions, modify, adapt, or disassemble the battlemaps in a way that distorts the original. The exception to this is: we allow you to desaturate the battlemaps for greyscale/black and white publications.
- You may not use our battlemaps as the basis for any other physical or digital merchandise or promotional items, such as but not limited to t-shirts, greeting cards, mugs, posters, prints, etc.
- You cannot use the battlemaps (in whole or in part) as a trademark, service mark, logo, or other indication of origin, or as part thereof, or to otherwise endorse or imply the endorsement of any goods and/or services.
- You are not authorized to sub-license, sell, or lease the battlemaps, nor may you temporarily or permanently transfer your rights under this agreement to a third party. This includes displaying the battlemaps in any format for download on a website, offering the battlemaps for sale, or otherwise for distribution and/or sale to third parties.
- Use of the battlemaps in a way that can be considered generally offensive, obscene, or immoral is strictly prohibited. This means the battlemaps are not available within any material that promotes racism, homophobia, transphobia, or bigotry of any kind.
- Use of the battlemaps in such a way that it appears Cze and Peku endorse your product.
- There should be at least an estimated 1000 words per battlemap used.
NFTs and AI Art
As individuals and as a company, we are 100% against the idea of NFTs and AI 'art'. None of our art (battlemaps, tokens, etc.) whatsoever are to be used in the minting of NFTs or training of AI art. Nor can it be used in any product or by any company that also uses NFTs or AI art in any of their other products or actively supports their use in any way.
NFTs are used as a scam to swindle desperate people in a hostile economy out of their money. They are a 'get rich quick' scheme that hurts the vast majority of individuals who buy them and should not be encouraged as a form of investing. AI 'art' is trained by human artists without their consent or knowledge for the sole purpose of putting them out of work by companies who don't want to support artists by paying them for their time and skill.
We wholeheartedly support people and their desire to create beautiful things. We will never support technologies that exist solely to harm individuals and communities.
Exceptions for Streaming
If you plan to use our battlemaps in a video, stream, or podcast on Twitch, Youtube, or similar video platforms, you do not need to obtain this license, and you may use the non-watermarked versions of the battlemaps on your streams. Furthermore, you do not need to notify us of your stream, but you may do so on our Discord.
If you are using our battlemaps for streaming purposes, we expect the rules under Attribution to still be adhered to (a link to our Patreon and credit in the video description section).
We also expect you to be a patron of the tier of battlemaps you're using whilst streaming the battlemaps. For example, if you are using our $5 tier battlemaps on your stream, we expect you to be a $5 patron whilst your video content is online.
Further Use Requests
If you would like to use the non-watermarked versions of the battlemaps in your commercial products or to print the full-resolution battlemaps alongside your commercial products (for instance, for a Kickstarter project), you must contact us directly and seek explicit permission.
We will only offer this on a case-by-case basis and expect either a flat sum offer or a profit share offer in the email.
We will not provide the battlemaps for exclusive use under any circumstance.
Commission Requests
We do not take commission requests. If you have a battlemap idea you'd like us to create, please suggest them on our Patreon polls!
If you have any questions, please address them to: