Ages of the Vale: Apple Press (+19)
Ages of the Vale: Apple Press (+19)

Airships! Pt. 2 (+1)
Airships! Pt. 2 (+1)

Alchemy Dungeon (+13)
Alchemy Dungeon (+13)

Blacksmith Interior (+8)
Blacksmith Interior (+8)

Bone Mill Interior (+11)
Bone Mill Interior (+11)

Bone Mill Lair
Bone Mill Lair

City Streets (+11)
City Streets (+11)

Drakescale Peak (+8)
Drakescale Peak (+8)

Experimental Surgery Theatre
Experimental Surgery Theatre

Grand Hunter's House (+1)
Grand Hunter's House (+1)

Modular Caves
Modular Caves

Serene Lakeside
Serene Lakeside

Steam Factory (+26)
Steam Factory (+26)

Village Blacksmith (+15)
Village Blacksmith (+15)

Village Wainwright Shop (+12)
Village Wainwright Shop (+12)

Warforged Factory (+5)
Warforged Factory (+5)

Wonderful Wizard Waterfall Interior (+1)
Wonderful Wizard Waterfall Interior (+1)