Necropolis Dungeon

Level 4 Devourer

Necropolis Dungeon map, Level 1 Antechamber variant thumbnail
Necropolis Dungeon map, Level 2 Grand Tomb variant thumbnail
Necropolis Dungeon map, Level 3 Abandoned Tomb variant thumbnail
Necropolis Dungeon map, Level 4 Hive variant thumbnail
Necropolis Dungeon map, Level 4 Hive Variation 1 variant thumbnail
Necropolis Dungeon map, Level 4 Hive Variation 2 variant thumbnail
Necropolis Dungeon map, Level 4 Blood Altar variant thumbnail
Necropolis Dungeon map, Level 4 Blue Slime variant thumbnail
Necropolis Dungeon map, Level 4 Devourer variant thumbnail
Necropolis Dungeon map, Level 4 Frost variant thumbnail
Necropolis Dungeon map, Level 4 Hive Lava variant thumbnail
Necropolis Dungeon map, Level 4 Hive No Eggs variant thumbnail
Necropolis Dungeon map, Level 4 Hive No Maw variant thumbnail
Necropolis Dungeon map, Level 4 No Hive Variation 1 variant thumbnail
Necropolis Dungeon map, Level 4 No Hive Variation 2 variant thumbnail
Necropolis Dungeon map, Level 4 Oil Pit variant thumbnail
Necropolis Dungeon map, Level 4 Slime variant thumbnail
Necropolis Dungeon map, Level 4 Underdark Entrance variant thumbnail
Necropolis Dungeon map, Level 4 Underwater Cave variant thumbnail
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Descend into the depths of the Necropolis Dungeon, where multiple levels of peril and mystery await. Traverse through an array of eerie chambers, from the ominous AnteChamber to the perilous depths of the Underdark Entrance. Beware the deadly traps that lie in wait and the unsettling presence of sarcophagi. The Grand Tomb stands as a daunting centerpiece, shrouded in an aura of dread. Explore various ghastly variations, from the chilling Blue Slime to the insidious Hive and its fiery Lava variant. Uncover the secrets hidden in the abyss, whether it be the chilling Frost or the enigmatic Underwater Cave.


Grid tiles

32 × 56

Grid size

140 pixels per tile

Image dimensions

4480 × 7840