Wizard Prison Pt. 3

Desert Day

Wizard Prison Pt. 3 map, Original Day variant thumbnail
Wizard Prison Pt. 3 map, Original Night variant thumbnail
Wizard Prison Pt. 3 map, Blood Realm variant thumbnail
Wizard Prison Pt. 3 map, Blue Moon variant thumbnail
Wizard Prison Pt. 3 map, Celestial variant thumbnail
Wizard Prison Pt. 3 map, Constellation variant thumbnail
Wizard Prison Pt. 3 map, Deep Sea variant thumbnail
Wizard Prison Pt. 3 map, Desert Day variant thumbnail
Wizard Prison Pt. 3 map, Desert Night variant thumbnail
Wizard Prison Pt. 3 map, Enter the Void variant thumbnail
Wizard Prison Pt. 3 map, Floating Island Prison variant thumbnail
Wizard Prison Pt. 3 map, Fog variant thumbnail
Wizard Prison Pt. 3 map, Inert variant thumbnail
Wizard Prison Pt. 3 map, Lava variant thumbnail
Wizard Prison Pt. 3 map, Massacre variant thumbnail
Wizard Prison Pt. 3 map, Ocean Prison variant thumbnail
Wizard Prison Pt. 3 map, Opulent variant thumbnail
Wizard Prison Pt. 3 map, Rain variant thumbnail
Wizard Prison Pt. 3 map, Ritual variant thumbnail
Wizard Prison Pt. 3 map, Secret Door variant thumbnail

This map pack is the third in the Wizard Prison map series. The portal at the bottom of the stairs brings you into this Escher-like space. With massive archways and a sense of deep strangeness, this map is perfect for a creepy escape or to build a sense of horror. This map is a portal-beyond-a-portal-beyond-a-portal at the edge of the world. This rural interior setting offers an atmospheric and chilling backdrop for your campaign's mysterious and magical encounters.


Grid tiles

40 × 49

Grid size

140 pixels per tile

Image dimensions

5600 × 6860

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