Temple of the Couatl Boss Room


Temple of the Couatl Boss Room map, Original variant thumbnail
Temple of the Couatl Boss Room map, Blood Rift variant thumbnail
Temple of the Couatl Boss Room map, Blood Spring variant thumbnail
Temple of the Couatl Boss Room map, Bottomless Pit variant thumbnail
Temple of the Couatl Boss Room map, Cosmic variant thumbnail
Temple of the Couatl Boss Room map, Dark variant thumbnail
Temple of the Couatl Boss Room map, Dark 2 variant thumbnail
Temple of the Couatl Boss Room map, Gold variant thumbnail
Temple of the Couatl Boss Room map, Magic Ring variant thumbnail
Temple of the Couatl Boss Room map, Massacre variant thumbnail
Temple of the Couatl Boss Room map, Slime Infestation variant thumbnail
Temple of the Couatl Boss Room map, Two Coatls variant thumbnail
Temple of the Couatl Boss Room map, Water Tempest variant thumbnail
Related Maps

Will your party survive the 5 trap-filled floors to reach the basement where a large 28 x 28 boss room can be found? On the way there are many pitfalls, traps, and other dangers to avoid. Increase the tension with giant spiders, toxic spills, and no clues to the magic that keeps the torches burning. When one path is blocked, will your party find the detour? If so, will they live to tell about it? Beautifully detailed with something to explore in each room, you and your players will find hours of play with this map.


Grid tiles

28 × 28

Grid size

140 pixels per tile

Image dimensions

3920 × 3920