Adventurers' Guildhall (+1)
Adventurers' Guildhall (+1)

Ages of the Vale: Coaching House (+6)
Ages of the Vale: Coaching House (+6)

Ages of the Vale: Tavern (+3)
Ages of the Vale: Tavern (+3)

Airship Port
Airship Port

Alchemy District
Alchemy District

Ancient Battlefield
Ancient Battlefield

Ancient Stepwell (+1)
Ancient Stepwell (+1)

Archaeological Dig (+3)
Archaeological Dig (+3)

Arctic Expedition (+18)
Arctic Expedition (+18)

Baba Yaga's Domain (+1)
Baba Yaga's Domain (+1)

Badger Hill (+1)
Badger Hill (+1)

Banshee Moor
Banshee Moor

Beach Town
Beach Town

Beachside Bazaar
Beachside Bazaar

Beachside Cliff (+1)
Beachside Cliff (+1)

Bone Mill Exterior
Bone Mill Exterior

Bridge Town
Bridge Town

Burial Barrow (+1)
Burial Barrow (+1)

Candlestair Shrine
Candlestair Shrine

Candy Castle (+1)
Candy Castle (+1)

Caravan Roadblock
Caravan Roadblock

Cave Temple (+14)
Cave Temple (+14)

Celestial Chapel (+1)
Celestial Chapel (+1)

Celestial Gate (+1)
Celestial Gate (+1)

Chthonic Lighthouse
Chthonic Lighthouse

City Marketplace
City Marketplace

City Rooftop Chase
City Rooftop Chase

City Streets (+25)
City Streets (+25)

Cliffside Training Grounds
Cliffside Training Grounds

Clifftop Warcamp (+1)
Clifftop Warcamp (+1)

Clockwork Dragon Lair Exterior
Clockwork Dragon Lair Exterior

Cloud Forest Camp
Cloud Forest Camp

Colossus Port
Colossus Port


Dark Woods Edge
Dark Woods Edge

Dead Angel Reef (+3)
Dead Angel Reef (+3)

Depths of the Festerwood
Depths of the Festerwood

Desert Trading Camp (+1)
Desert Trading Camp (+1)

Djinn Gardens (+3)
Djinn Gardens (+3)

Elven City Center
Elven City Center

Fairy Treetop Village
Fairy Treetop Village

Fallen Ancient Tree
Fallen Ancient Tree

Fey Tavern
Fey Tavern

Fjordside Cabin
Fjordside Cabin

Floating Market (+1)
Floating Market (+1)

Floating Village
Floating Village

Forest Shrine Festival
Forest Shrine Festival

Forgotten Chapel Graveyard
Forgotten Chapel Graveyard

Fortified Dam (+1)
Fortified Dam (+1)

Fossil Caves
Fossil Caves

Gentle Village Greengrocer
Gentle Village Greengrocer

Giant Kitchen
Giant Kitchen

Gnome City Centre (+1)
Gnome City Centre (+1)

Goblin City Centre (+1)
Goblin City Centre (+1)

Goblin Forest Fortress
Goblin Forest Fortress

Golden Cathedral Rooftops
Golden Cathedral Rooftops

Grand Cathedral (+1)
Grand Cathedral (+1)

Grand Duke's Plaza (+1)
Grand Duke's Plaza (+1)

Grand Hunter's House (+1)
Grand Hunter's House (+1)

Great Wall
Great Wall

Green Dragon Lair
Green Dragon Lair

Grounded Castle (+13)
Grounded Castle (+13)

Gryphon Roost Inn
Gryphon Roost Inn

Hanging Gardens
Hanging Gardens

Harpy Cove (+1)
Harpy Cove (+1)

Haunted Ghost Ship Exterior (+3)
Haunted Ghost Ship Exterior (+3)

Hellfire Prison
Hellfire Prison

Hidden Witch's Hut
Hidden Witch's Hut

Impact Site (+3)
Impact Site (+3)

Impending Waterfall (+1)
Impending Waterfall (+1)

Imperial Bath Complex
Imperial Bath Complex

Imperial Graveyard (+1)
Imperial Graveyard (+1)

Iron Age Hamlet (+1)
Iron Age Hamlet (+1)

Island Fort (+2)
Island Fort (+2)

Japanese Castle Exterior
Japanese Castle Exterior

Jousting Tournament (+1)
Jousting Tournament (+1)

Jungle Village
Jungle Village

Magic Popup Shop
Magic Popup Shop

Magical Snowglobe (+13)
Magical Snowglobe (+13)

Mangrove Forest
Mangrove Forest

Market City Walls
Market City Walls

Market Streets
Market Streets

Medieval War Tents (+1)
Medieval War Tents (+1)

Medusa's Wake
Medusa's Wake

Megalith Gate (+2)
Megalith Gate (+2)

Monster Hunter Restaurant (+1)
Monster Hunter Restaurant (+1)

Motte and Bailey Castle (+2)
Motte and Bailey Castle (+2)

Mountain Logging Camp
Mountain Logging Camp

Mountain Monastery
Mountain Monastery

Mountaintop Observatory (+1)
Mountaintop Observatory (+1)

Mysterious Druid Grove
Mysterious Druid Grove

Nightmare Dragon Lair (+1)
Nightmare Dragon Lair (+1)

Nymph Fountain (+2)
Nymph Fountain (+2)

Oasis Expedition
Oasis Expedition

Oni Hideout
Oni Hideout

Orc Desert Camp (+1)
Orc Desert Camp (+1)

Orc Mess Hall
Orc Mess Hall

Overground Dwarven City Center (+1)
Overground Dwarven City Center (+1)

Overgrown Magic Forest
Overgrown Magic Forest

Palace Guard Chambers
Palace Guard Chambers

Palace Inner Court (+1)
Palace Inner Court (+1)

Palace Outer Court (+2)
Palace Outer Court (+2)

Pastoral Village Stables
Pastoral Village Stables

Peaceful Village Church (+1)
Peaceful Village Church (+1)

Pirate Lord's Lair
Pirate Lord's Lair

Plague Hospital
Plague Hospital

Port Bastion
Port Bastion

Precarious Waterfall Crossing (+1)
Precarious Waterfall Crossing (+1)

Prismatic Ballroom
Prismatic Ballroom

Pseudodragon Lair
Pseudodragon Lair

Quaint Village School (+1)
Quaint Village School (+1)

Rebel Camp (+1)
Rebel Camp (+1)

Remote Ice Village (+33)
Remote Ice Village (+33)

River Stronghold
River Stronghold

Riverwood Toll Castle
Riverwood Toll Castle

Roadside Ambush (+1)
Roadside Ambush (+1)

Ropebridge Chasm
Ropebridge Chasm

Rosehydra Crypt
Rosehydra Crypt

Royal Mine Town
Royal Mine Town

Royal Throne Room
Royal Throne Room

Ruined Courtyard
Ruined Courtyard

Rusty Robot Lake (+3)
Rusty Robot Lake (+3)

Serene Lakeside
Serene Lakeside

Shadowfell Fortress Interior
Shadowfell Fortress Interior

Shadowlands Pyramid
Shadowlands Pyramid

Slum District (+1)
Slum District (+1)

Smuggler's Fen
Smuggler's Fen

Steamy Japanese Bathhouse
Steamy Japanese Bathhouse

Swamp Graveyard
Swamp Graveyard

Temple Pastures (+1)
Temple Pastures (+1)

The Forbidden Gates
The Forbidden Gates

Thieves Guild Hideout (+1)
Thieves Guild Hideout (+1)

Tidal Isle Fort
Tidal Isle Fort

Tidal River
Tidal River

Trainwreck Village (+1)
Trainwreck Village (+1)

Tranquil Apiary (+1)
Tranquil Apiary (+1)

Tutelary Turtle Island
Tutelary Turtle Island

Twisted Tavern
Twisted Tavern

Vampire Mansion (+1)
Vampire Mansion (+1)

Village Bakery (+1)
Village Bakery (+1)

Village Blacksmith (+1)
Village Blacksmith (+1)

Village Farmhouse (+1)
Village Farmhouse (+1)

Village Hunting Guild (+1)
Village Hunting Guild (+1)

Village Wainwright Shop
Village Wainwright Shop

Warforged City Centre (+1)
Warforged City Centre (+1)

Warforged Titan Scrapyard
Warforged Titan Scrapyard

Wild West Saloon (+3)
Wild West Saloon (+3)

Wild West Town (+1)
Wild West Town (+1)

Winter Fortress Bridge (+1)
Winter Fortress Bridge (+1)

Wizard Prison Pt. 1 (+3)
Wizard Prison Pt. 1 (+3)

Wizard Prison Pt. 2
Wizard Prison Pt. 2

Wizard Prison Pt. 4
Wizard Prison Pt. 4

Wizard Prison Pt. 5
Wizard Prison Pt. 5

Wonderful Wizard Waterfall (+1)
Wonderful Wizard Waterfall (+1)

Wuxia Tavern
Wuxia Tavern

Yggdrasil Branch Overlook (+1)
Yggdrasil Branch Overlook (+1)

Yggdrasil Roots (+1)
Yggdrasil Roots (+1)

Yggdrasil Treetop
Yggdrasil Treetop

Yggdrasil Village
Yggdrasil Village

Zen Monastery (+1)
Zen Monastery (+1)