Alchemy Dungeon (+12)
Alchemy Dungeon (+12)

Ancient Battlefield (+1)
Ancient Battlefield (+1)

Annis Hag Lair
Annis Hag Lair

Archaeological Dig (+1)
Archaeological Dig (+1)

Astral Plane
Astral Plane

Baba Yaga's Domain: Interior
Baba Yaga's Domain: Interior

Badger Hill
Badger Hill

Caravan Roadblock (+1)
Caravan Roadblock (+1)

Cavern of the Venom Queen
Cavern of the Venom Queen

Celestial Gate (+24)
Celestial Gate (+24)

Chrono Chaos Ruins
Chrono Chaos Ruins

City Marketplace
City Marketplace

Colosseum of Challenges
Colosseum of Challenges

Deep Sea Hatching Chamber
Deep Sea Hatching Chamber

Dracolich Lair
Dracolich Lair

Elder Brain Lair
Elder Brain Lair

Elven Magitech Portal (+1)
Elven Magitech Portal (+1)

Forgotten Chapel Crypt
Forgotten Chapel Crypt

Geothermal Rift (+5)
Geothermal Rift (+5)

Golden Cathedral Rooftops
Golden Cathedral Rooftops

Grand Hunter's House
Grand Hunter's House

Great Library (+1)
Great Library (+1)

Hell's Tax Office
Hell's Tax Office

Hellfire Prison
Hellfire Prison

Imperial Graveyard (+1)
Imperial Graveyard (+1)

Inside a Bag of Holding
Inside a Bag of Holding

Jungle Temple Entrance (+1)
Jungle Temple Entrance (+1)

Lair of the Many Eyed God
Lair of the Many Eyed God

Lich Catacomb (+17)
Lich Catacomb (+17)

Megalith Gate (+12)
Megalith Gate (+12)

Midair Dragon Flight (+1)
Midair Dragon Flight (+1)

Modular Caves (+1)
Modular Caves (+1)

Monster Genealogy Lab
Monster Genealogy Lab

Mushroom Infested Mines
Mushroom Infested Mines

Mysterious Druid Grove (+17)
Mysterious Druid Grove (+17)

Necropolis Dungeon
Necropolis Dungeon

Nightmare Dragon Lair
Nightmare Dragon Lair

Opulent Ballroom
Opulent Ballroom

Orc Desert Camp
Orc Desert Camp

Overgrown Magic Forest (+1)
Overgrown Magic Forest (+1)

Remote Ice Village (+3)
Remote Ice Village (+3)

Secret Fey Fountain
Secret Fey Fountain

Tidal River
Tidal River

Vampire Mansion
Vampire Mansion

Warforged Titan Scrapyard
Warforged Titan Scrapyard

Wizard Prison Pt. 1
Wizard Prison Pt. 1

Wizard Prison Pt. 3
Wizard Prison Pt. 3

Wizard Prison Pt. 4
Wizard Prison Pt. 4

Yggdrasil Trunk (+3)
Yggdrasil Trunk (+3)