Airships! Pt. 3
Airships! Pt. 3

Blacksmith Secret Grotto (+6)
Blacksmith Secret Grotto (+6)

Celestial Realm
Celestial Realm

Djinn Gardens (+4)
Djinn Gardens (+4)

Dragon's Hoard
Dragon's Hoard

Fey Tavern (+19)
Fey Tavern (+19)

Flooded Fey Ruins (+16)
Flooded Fey Ruins (+16)

Iron Wharf
Iron Wharf

Modular Caves (+26)
Modular Caves (+26)

Mountain Monastery (+13)
Mountain Monastery (+13)

Peaceful Village Church Interior (+3)
Peaceful Village Church Interior (+3)

Rosehydra Crypt (+21)
Rosehydra Crypt (+21)

Steam Factory (+2)
Steam Factory (+2)

Temple of the Couatl Exterior (+1)
Temple of the Couatl Exterior (+1)

Warforged Factory
Warforged Factory

Windmill Farm (+2)
Windmill Farm (+2)

Yggdrasil Roots (+25)
Yggdrasil Roots (+25)

Yggdrasil Village (+19)
Yggdrasil Village (+19)