A collage of several Czepeku scenes
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Ages of the Vale Pt. 2 map, Time Tear variant
Ages of the Vale Pt. 2
Ages of the Vale Pt. 2
Celestial Chapel map, Active Ruins Night variant
Celestial Chapel
Celestial Chapel
Celestial Gate map, Original Night variant
Celestial Gate (+6)
Celestial Gate (+6)
Chrono Chaos Ruins map, Original Day variant
Chrono Chaos Ruins (+12)
Chrono Chaos Ruins (+12)
Chthonic Lighthouse map, Spell Cage variant
Chthonic Lighthouse
Chthonic Lighthouse
City Rooftop Chase map, Arcane Dome variant
City Rooftop Chase
City Rooftop Chase
Colosseum of Challenges map, Cult Summoning variant
Colosseum of Challenges
Colosseum of Challenges
Court of Justice map, Wizard Court variant
Court of Justice
Court of Justice
Desert Caravanserai map, Arcane Passage Day variant
Desert Caravanserai (+1)
Desert Caravanserai (+1)
Fairy Treetop Village map, Original Day variant
Fairy Treetop Village (+19)
Fairy Treetop Village (+19)
Fey Village map, Original Day variant
Fey Village (+11)
Fey Village (+11)
Fey Vineyard map, Channel the Stars variant
Fey Vineyard
Fey Vineyard
Forgotten Chapel map, Arcane Forest Fire variant
Forgotten Chapel
Forgotten Chapel
Fortified Dam map, Purification Day variant
Fortified Dam (+1)
Fortified Dam (+1)
Grand Cathedral map, Ritual variant
Grand Cathedral
Grand Cathedral
Grand Opera House map, Soul Harvest variant
Grand Opera House
Grand Opera House
Gryphon Roost Inn map, Fey Wind variant
Gryphon Roost Inn
Gryphon Roost Inn
Hell's Cocktail Lounge map, Original Day variant
Hell's Cocktail Lounge (+19)
Hell's Cocktail Lounge (+19)
Hidden Witch's Hut map, Ritual variant
Hidden Witch's Hut (+1)
Hidden Witch's Hut (+1)
Mangrove Forest map, Arcane Conservation variant
Mangrove Forest
Mangrove Forest
Medusa's Wake map, Errant Spell variant
Medusa's Wake
Medusa's Wake
Motte and Bailey Castle map, Blood Ritual variant
Motte and Bailey Castle
Motte and Bailey Castle
Mountaintop Altar map, Original Night variant
Mountaintop Altar (+3)
Mountaintop Altar (+3)
Mountaintop Observatory map, Arcane Cannon Blue variant
Mountaintop Observatory (+3)
Mountaintop Observatory (+3)
Overgrown Magic Forest map, Beginning variant
Overgrown Magic Forest
Overgrown Magic Forest
Royal Throne Room map, Portal variant
Royal Throne Room
Royal Throne Room
Sewer Tunnels map, Arcane Runoff variant
Sewer Tunnels
Sewer Tunnels
Shadow Fortress Bridge map, Original variant
Shadow Fortress Bridge (+2)
Shadow Fortress Bridge (+2)
Thieves Guild Hideout map, Cursed Relic variant
Thieves Guild Hideout
Thieves Guild Hideout
Tomb of Sand map, Star Temple variant
Tomb of Sand
Tomb of Sand
Vampire Mansion map, Warp variant
Vampire Mansion
Vampire Mansion
Wild West Saloon map, Haunted variant
Wild West Saloon (+3)
Wild West Saloon (+3)
Windmill Farm map, Arcane Tower Activated variant
Windmill Farm
Windmill Farm
Wonderful Wizard Waterfall map, Dance of the Fire Elementals variant
Wonderful Wizard Waterfall (+1)
Wonderful Wizard Waterfall (+1)
Zen Monastery map, Catfish Day variant
Zen Monastery (+1)
Zen Monastery (+1)