Fey Vineyard


Welcome to the Fey Vineyard, where conviviality, mischief(?), and fey fruits come together. Each vine is touched by the fey, producing fruit that could grant wisdom, unleash chaos, or ensnare your soul. Will your party sample its enchanted vintage, or will the vineyard’s darker secrets—massacres, gluttony, or wrath—reveal themselves? With variants spanning from serene harvests to astral mysteries and haunting ruins, this map invites exploration of ethereal beauty and perilous indulgence. Tread lightly among the vines, and beware what the fey may ask in return.

Fey Vineyard map, Original Day variant thumbnail
Fey Vineyard map, Original Night variant thumbnail
Fey Vineyard map, Autumn variant thumbnail
Fey Vineyard map, Campfire variant thumbnail
Fey Vineyard map, Channel the Stars variant thumbnail
Fey Vineyard map, Coast variant thumbnail
Fey Vineyard map, Drought variant thumbnail
Fey Vineyard map, Fireflies variant thumbnail
Fey Vineyard map, Fog variant thumbnail
Fey Vineyard map, Into the Woods variant thumbnail
Fey Vineyard map, No Mountains Day variant thumbnail
Fey Vineyard map, No Mountains Night variant thumbnail
Fey Vineyard map, No Ruins Day variant thumbnail
Fey Vineyard map, No Ruins Night variant thumbnail
Fey Vineyard map, Plains Day variant thumbnail
Fey Vineyard map, Plains Night variant thumbnail
Fey Vineyard map, Rain variant thumbnail
Fey Vineyard map, Road to the Vineyard variant thumbnail
Fey Vineyard map, Sunset variant thumbnail
Fey Vineyard map, Winter variant thumbnail