A collage of several Czepeku maps

Wizard Prison Pt. 3 map, Celestial variant
Wizard Prison Pt. 3
Wizard Prison Pt. 3
Celestial Realm map, Star Guardian variant
Celestial Realm
Celestial Realm
Celestial Tome map, Original Day variant
Celestial Tome
Celestial Tome
Grand Cathedral Interior map, Divine Protection variant
Grand Cathedral Interior
Grand Cathedral Interior
Wizard Prison Pt. 2 map, Celestial variant
Wizard Prison Pt. 2
Wizard Prison Pt. 2
Wizard Prison Pt. 1 map, Celestial variant
Wizard Prison Pt. 1
Wizard Prison Pt. 1
The Forbidden Gates map, Heavenly variant
The Forbidden Gates
The Forbidden Gates
Arcane Clocktower map, Seraphim Cog Floor variant
Arcane Clocktower
Arcane Clocktower
Opulent Ballroom map, Stairway To Heaven variant
Opulent Ballroom
Opulent Ballroom
Eldritch Church map, Angelic variant
Eldritch Church
Eldritch Church
Pharaoh's Tomb map, Sun Court variant
Pharaoh's Tomb
Pharaoh's Tomb
Golden Cathedral Rooftops map, Celestial variant
Golden Cathedral Rooftops
Golden Cathedral Rooftops
Candlestair Shrine map, Celestial variant
Candlestair Shrine
Candlestair Shrine
Imperial Bath Complex map, Blessed Light variant
Imperial Bath Complex
Imperial Bath Complex
Celestial Chapel Interior map, Holy Gateway variant
Celestial Chapel Interior
Celestial Chapel Interior
Wizard Prison Pt. 4 map, Celestial variant
Wizard Prison Pt. 4
Wizard Prison Pt. 4
Dead Angel Reef map, Original Day variant
Dead Angel Reef
Dead Angel Reef
Solar Cathedral map, Moon God Ground Floor variant
Solar Cathedral
Solar Cathedral
Ruined Courtyard map, Angel Day variant
Ruined Courtyard
Ruined Courtyard
Imperial Graveyard map, Angelic variant
Imperial Graveyard
Imperial Graveyard