A collage of several Czepeku maps

Gnome City Centre map, Underneath the Dark variant
Gnome City Centre
Gnome City Centre
Modular Caves map, Crystal Caverns Tree Roots 02 variant
Modular Caves
Modular Caves
Mushroom Infested Mines map, Original variant
Mushroom Infested Mines
Mushroom Infested Mines
Wonderful Wizard Waterfall Interior map, Basement variant
Wonderful Wizard Waterfall Interior
Wonderful Wizard Waterfall Interior
Bone Mill Lair map, Bioluminescent Blue variant
Bone Mill Lair
Bone Mill Lair
Geothermal Rift map, Underdark Entrance variant
Geothermal Rift
Geothermal Rift
Necropolis Dungeon map, Level 4 Underdark Entrance variant
Necropolis Dungeon
Necropolis Dungeon
Drakescale Peak map, Underdark variant
Drakescale Peak
Drakescale Peak
Drow Manor map, Fungi Farm variant
Drow Manor
Drow Manor
Mycelial Gate map, Original Day variant
Mycelial Gate
Mycelial Gate
Dark Woods Edge map, Fungal variant
Dark Woods Edge
Dark Woods Edge
Chthonic Lighthouse map, Bioluminescent Fungi variant
Chthonic Lighthouse
Chthonic Lighthouse
Ages of the Vale: Coaching House map, Indoors Shroom Storm variant
Ages of the Vale: Coaching House
Ages of the Vale: Coaching House
Baba Yaga's Domain: Interior map, Original variant
Baba Yaga's Domain: Interior
Baba Yaga's Domain: Interior
Overgrown Magic Forest map, Fairy Rings Day variant
Overgrown Magic Forest
Overgrown Magic Forest
Depths of the Festerwood map, Original Day variant
Depths of the Festerwood
Depths of the Festerwood
Adventurers' Guildhall map, Mushroom Day variant
Adventurers' Guildhall
Adventurers' Guildhall
Fey Village map, Original variant
Fey Village
Fey Village