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Explore Maps
Monsters for 5E
Gibbering Mouther
Jungle Cave Tunnel
Jungle Cave Tunnel
Nightmare Dragon Lair
Nightmare Dragon Lair
Necropolis Dungeon
Necropolis Dungeon
Ancient Hydra Lair
Ancient Hydra Lair
Cavern of the Venom Queen
Cavern of the Venom Queen
Wizard Prison Pt. 5
Wizard Prison Pt. 5
Wizard Prison Pt. 4
Wizard Prison Pt. 4
Mushroom Infested Mines
Mushroom Infested Mines
Temple of the Medusa
Temple of the Medusa
Secret Fey Fountain
Secret Fey Fountain
Eldritch Church
Eldritch Church
Temple of the Couatl Boss Room
Temple of the Couatl Boss Room
Elder Brain Lair
Elder Brain Lair
Drakescale Peak
Drakescale Peak
Wizard Prison Pt. 6
Wizard Prison Pt. 6
Drow Warship
Drow Warship
Magical Tournament Arena
Magical Tournament Arena
Desert Trading Camp
Desert Trading Camp
Candlestair Shrine
Candlestair Shrine
Fallen Ancient Tree
Fallen Ancient Tree
Celestial Chapel Interior
Celestial Chapel Interior
Hell's Cocktail Lounge
Hell's Cocktail Lounge
Chrono Chaos Ruins
Chrono Chaos Ruins
Beachside Bazaar
Beachside Bazaar
Deep Sea Hatching Chamber
Deep Sea Hatching Chamber
Deep Sea Temple
Deep Sea Temple
Deep Sea Organ
Deep Sea Organ
Open Ocean
Open Ocean
Train Station Concourse
Train Station Concourse
Opulent Ballroom
Opulent Ballroom
Lair of the Many Eyed God
Lair of the Many Eyed God
Ancient Wizard Lair
Ancient Wizard Lair
Minotaur Labyrinth
Minotaur Labyrinth