A collage of several Czepeku maps
Great Wall Map - f47373685514c8ad9b53b70ba6afb312_f1b772cb-f912-4d08-88e4-facc1d251151

Great Wall Map

Informations sur le produit

4,99 $


This massive stretch of fortified wall is the last line of defense for your people. From lookout towers to flaming warning signals, the wall is primed for an epic siege or a daring infiltration. Will you be atop the walls firing flaming arrows down at the approaching warriors, or charging out to meet them in melee combat? Perhaps the army approaching is undead or an artifact in the wall’s foundation is the key to its invulnerability—or its downfall. The seasonal variants allow you to return to this location over and over.

The Great Wall map pack contains 22 files

Map size 46 × 33
Variations Original Day, Original Night, Autumn, Breach, City Gate Day, City Gate Night, Dark, Desert, Fog, Massacre, No Wall Day, No Wall Night, Rain, Repaired Day, Repaired Night, Sea Day, Sea Night, Sky, Spring, Tower, Wall of Darkness, Winter
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