A collage of several Czepeku maps
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Adventurer's Guildhall map, Natural Original Day variant
Adventurer's Guildhall (+13)
Adventurer's Guildhall (+13)
Arctic Expedition map, Channel Day variant
Arctic Expedition (+5)
Arctic Expedition (+5)
Countryside Travel map, Day variant
Countryside Travel (+5)
Countryside Travel (+5)
Crossroads map, Natural Day variant
Crossroads (+1)
Crossroads (+1)
Dark Woods Edge map, Desert  Day variant
Dark Woods Edge (+6)
Dark Woods Edge (+6)
Fairy Treetop Village map, Hidden Village Day variant
Fairy Treetop Village (+1)
Fairy Treetop Village (+1)
Fey Village map, Desert Day variant
Fey Village (+8)
Fey Village (+8)
Fjordside Cabin map, Original Day variant
Fjordside Cabin (+19)
Fjordside Cabin (+19)
Goblin Bridge map, Natural Day variant
Goblin Bridge (+1)
Goblin Bridge (+1)
Goblin Forest Fortress map, Lake Day variant
Goblin Forest Fortress (+3)
Goblin Forest Fortress (+3)
Green Dragon Lair map, Original Day variant
Green Dragon Lair (+17)
Green Dragon Lair (+17)
Harpy Cove map, No Stack variant
Harpy Cove (+4)
Harpy Cove (+4)
Impending Waterfall map, Original Day variant
Impending Waterfall (+19)
Impending Waterfall (+19)
Japanese Castle map, No Castle Day variant
Japanese Castle (+1)
Japanese Castle (+1)
Jousting Tournament map, Natural Day variant
Jousting Tournament (+2)
Jousting Tournament (+2)
Lair of the Many Eyed God map, Cavern Day variant
Lair of the Many Eyed God (+2)
Lair of the Many Eyed God (+2)
Mangrove Forest map, Natural Day variant
Mangrove Forest (+1)
Mangrove Forest (+1)
Medusa's Wake map, Autumn Natural variant
Medusa's Wake (+11)
Medusa's Wake (+11)
Motte and Bailey Castle map, Frozen Pond variant
Motte and Bailey Castle (+2)
Motte and Bailey Castle (+2)
Mountain Logging Camp map, Autumn variant
Mountain Logging Camp (+5)
Mountain Logging Camp (+5)
Mountaintop Observatory map, Clear Sky Bones of the Gods No Observatory variant
Mountaintop Observatory (+6)
Mountaintop Observatory (+6)
Overgrown Magic Forest map, Original Natural Day variant
Overgrown Magic Forest (+15)
Overgrown Magic Forest (+15)
Rebel Camp map, Natural Day variant
Rebel Camp (+1)
Rebel Camp (+1)
Remote Ice Village map, Natural variant
Remote Ice Village
Remote Ice Village
Rope Bridge Chasm map, Open Ocean Day variant
Rope Bridge Chasm (+3)
Rope Bridge Chasm (+3)
Smuggler's Fen map, Natural Day variant
Smuggler's Fen (+1)
Smuggler's Fen (+1)
Steamy Japanese Bathhouse map, Natural Day variant
Steamy Japanese Bathhouse (+3)
Steamy Japanese Bathhouse (+3)
Tranquil Apiary map, Woods Day variant
Tranquil Apiary (+1)
Tranquil Apiary (+1)
Tropical Island Village map, Natural Day variant
Tropical Island Village (+1)
Tropical Island Village (+1)
Vampire Mansion map, Cliff No Mansion Day variant
Vampire Mansion (+3)
Vampire Mansion (+3)
Village Blacksmith map, Natural Day variant
Village Blacksmith (+1)
Village Blacksmith (+1)
Warforged Titan Scrapyard map, Natural Day variant
Warforged Titan Scrapyard (+1)
Warforged Titan Scrapyard (+1)
Wonderful Wizard Waterfall map, Natural Day variant
Wonderful Wizard Waterfall (+3)
Wonderful Wizard Waterfall (+3)
Yggdrasil Village map, Natural Day variant
Yggdrasil Village (+1)
Yggdrasil Village (+1)