Ages of the Vale
Ages of the Vale

Ages of the Vale Pt. 2 (+2)
Ages of the Vale Pt. 2 (+2)

City Streets
City Streets

Countryside Travel
Countryside Travel

Crossroads (+4)
Crossroads (+4)

Desert Caravanserai
Desert Caravanserai

Elven City Centre (+1)
Elven City Centre (+1)

Fey Tavern
Fey Tavern

Forgotten Chapel (+9)
Forgotten Chapel (+9)

Green Dragon Lair
Green Dragon Lair

Gryphon Roost Inn (+9)
Gryphon Roost Inn (+9)

Motte and Bailey Castle
Motte and Bailey Castle

Mountaintop Observatory
Mountaintop Observatory

Overgrown Magic Forest (+1)
Overgrown Magic Forest (+1)

Royal Throne Room
Royal Throne Room

Secret Sailor Lair (+1)
Secret Sailor Lair (+1)

Temple of the Couatl (+6)
Temple of the Couatl (+6)

Vampire Mansion (+4)
Vampire Mansion (+4)

Village Blacksmith
Village Blacksmith

Wonderful Wizard Waterfall
Wonderful Wizard Waterfall