A collage of several Czepeku maps
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Chrono Chaos Ruins map, Hell Gate variant
Chrono Chaos Ruins
Chrono Chaos Ruins
Gentle Village Greengrocer map, Blood Moon variant
Gentle Village Greengrocer
Gentle Village Greengrocer
Gryphon Roost Inn map, Blood Moon variant
Gryphon Roost Inn
Gryphon Roost Inn
Harpy Cove map, Flames of Hell variant
Harpy Cove
Harpy Cove
Hellfire Prison map, Original Day variant
Hellfire Prison (+14)
Hellfire Prison (+14)
Royal Throne Room map, Demon Overseer variant
Royal Throne Room
Royal Throne Room
Shadow Fortress Bridge map, Red Lightning variant
Shadow Fortress Bridge
Shadow Fortress Bridge
Tomb of Sand map, Calling variant
Tomb of Sand (+1)
Tomb of Sand (+1)
Underground Dwarven City Centre map, Infernal variant
Underground Dwarven City Centre
Underground Dwarven City Centre