A collage of several Czepeku maps
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Chthonic Lighthouse map, Pridehouse variant
Chthonic Lighthouse
Chthonic Lighthouse
Fairy Treetop Village map, Signal variant
Fairy Treetop Village
Fairy Treetop Village
Pirate Lord's Lair map, Spotlight variant
Pirate Lord's Lair
Pirate Lord's Lair
Royal Throne Room map, Divine Overseer variant
Royal Throne Room
Royal Throne Room
Steamy Japanese Bathhouse map, Glowing variant
Steamy Japanese Bathhouse
Steamy Japanese Bathhouse
Temple of the Couatl map, Glowing Water variant
Temple of the Couatl (+1)
Temple of the Couatl (+1)
Tomb of Sand map, Calling variant
Tomb of Sand (+2)
Tomb of Sand (+2)