A collage of several Czepeku maps
Annis Hag Lair map, Original Day variant
Annis Hag Lair (+11)
Annis Hag Lair (+11)
Badger Hill map, Original Day variant
Badger Hill (+23)
Badger Hill (+23)
Burial Barrow map, Original Day variant
Burial Barrow (+25)
Burial Barrow (+25)
Desert Caravanserai map, Hill Castle variant
Desert Caravanserai
Desert Caravanserai
Royal Mine Town map, Original Day variant
Royal Mine Town (+19)
Royal Mine Town (+19)
The Forbidden Gates map, Original Day variant
The Forbidden Gates (+23)
The Forbidden Gates (+23)
Wonderful Wizard Waterfall map, Original Day variant
Wonderful Wizard Waterfall (+18)
Wonderful Wizard Waterfall (+18)

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