Alchemy Dungeon (+12)
Alchemy Dungeon (+12)

Celestial Gate (+24)
Celestial Gate (+24)

Elder Brain Lair (+13)
Elder Brain Lair (+13)

Eldritch Church (+23)
Eldritch Church (+23)

Lich Catacomb (+17)
Lich Catacomb (+17)

Megalith Gate (+12)
Megalith Gate (+12)

Monster Fighting Pit
Monster Fighting Pit

Mysterious Druid Grove (+17)
Mysterious Druid Grove (+17)

Wizard Prison Pt. 1 (+17)
Wizard Prison Pt. 1 (+17)

Wizard Prison Pt. 3 (+19)
Wizard Prison Pt. 3 (+19)

Wizard Prison Pt. 4
Wizard Prison Pt. 4

Archaeological Dig (+1)
Archaeological Dig (+1)

Baba Yaga's Domain: Interior
Baba Yaga's Domain: Interior

Cavern of the Venom Queen
Cavern of the Venom Queen

Celestial Chapel Interior (+3)
Celestial Chapel Interior (+3)

Chrono Chaos Ruins (+4)
Chrono Chaos Ruins (+4)

City Marketplace (+1)
City Marketplace (+1)

Colosseum of Challenges
Colosseum of Challenges

Deep Sea Hatching Chamber (+1)
Deep Sea Hatching Chamber (+1)

Dracolich Lair
Dracolich Lair

Elven Magitech Portal (+13)
Elven Magitech Portal (+13)

Forgotten Chapel Crypt
Forgotten Chapel Crypt

Geothermal Rift (+6)
Geothermal Rift (+6)

Golden Cathedral Rooftops
Golden Cathedral Rooftops

Grand Hunter's House (+5)
Grand Hunter's House (+5)

Haunted Ghost Ship Interior (+2)
Haunted Ghost Ship Interior (+2)

Imperial Graveyard (+1)
Imperial Graveyard (+1)

Lair of the Many Eyed God (+7)
Lair of the Many Eyed God (+7)

Midair Dragon Flight (+2)
Midair Dragon Flight (+2)

Nightmare Dragon Lair (+27)
Nightmare Dragon Lair (+27)

Open Ocean (+4)
Open Ocean (+4)

Swamp Graveyard (+2)
Swamp Graveyard (+2)

Tidal River
Tidal River

Twisted Tavern (+1)
Twisted Tavern (+1)

Vampire Mansion (+3)
Vampire Mansion (+3)

Wizard Prison Pt. 2 (+23)
Wizard Prison Pt. 2 (+23)

Yggdrasil Roots (+3)
Yggdrasil Roots (+3)

Yggdrasil Treetop (+14)
Yggdrasil Treetop (+14)

Abyssal Fall (+3)
Abyssal Fall (+3)

Adventurers' Guildhall
Adventurers' Guildhall

Ages of the Vale: Coaching House (+1)
Ages of the Vale: Coaching House (+1)

Ages of the Vale: Inn (+2)
Ages of the Vale: Inn (+2)

Ages of the Vale: Public House
Ages of the Vale: Public House

Airships! Pt. 3 (+1)
Airships! Pt. 3 (+1)

Alchemy District
Alchemy District

Ancient Battlefield (+1)
Ancient Battlefield (+1)

Ancient Hydra Lair
Ancient Hydra Lair

Ancient Stepwell
Ancient Stepwell

Ancient Wizard Lair (+13)
Ancient Wizard Lair (+13)

Annis Hag Lair
Annis Hag Lair

Arcane Clocktower (+1)
Arcane Clocktower (+1)

Astral Plane (+2)
Astral Plane (+2)

Badger Hill (+3)
Badger Hill (+3)

Banshee Moor (+1)
Banshee Moor (+1)

Beach Town (+1)
Beach Town (+1)

Beachside Bazaar
Beachside Bazaar

Beachside Cliff
Beachside Cliff

Blue Dragon Lair (+1)
Blue Dragon Lair (+1)

Bone Dryad Ossuary (+1)
Bone Dryad Ossuary (+1)

Bone Mill Interior
Bone Mill Interior

Bullywug Swamp
Bullywug Swamp

Burial Barrow
Burial Barrow

Candlestair Shrine (+2)
Candlestair Shrine (+2)

Caravan Roadblock (+1)
Caravan Roadblock (+1)

Cave Temple
Cave Temple

Celestial Chapel (+1)
Celestial Chapel (+1)

Celestial Realm (+3)
Celestial Realm (+3)

Celestial Tome (+21)
Celestial Tome (+21)

Chrono Chaos Ruins Interior (+1)
Chrono Chaos Ruins Interior (+1)

Chthonic Lighthouse
Chthonic Lighthouse

Clockwork Dragon Lair Interior
Clockwork Dragon Lair Interior

Colossus Port
Colossus Port

Court of Justice
Court of Justice


Deep Sea Organ (+3)
Deep Sea Organ (+3)

Desert Canyon
Desert Canyon

Desert Ruins (+1)
Desert Ruins (+1)

Desert Trading Camp
Desert Trading Camp

Drow Warship (+2)
Drow Warship (+2)

Fallen Ancient Tree (+1)
Fallen Ancient Tree (+1)

Fey Village (+2)
Fey Village (+2)

Fjordside Cabin
Fjordside Cabin

Floating Market
Floating Market

Flooded Fey Ruins (+2)
Flooded Fey Ruins (+2)

Forest Shrine Festival
Forest Shrine Festival

Forgotten Chapel Graveyard
Forgotten Chapel Graveyard

Fossil Caves (+1)
Fossil Caves (+1)

Grand Cathedral
Grand Cathedral

Grand Cathedral Crypt (+2)
Grand Cathedral Crypt (+2)

Grand Cathedral Interior
Grand Cathedral Interior

Grand Duke's Plaza
Grand Duke's Plaza

Great Library (+1)
Great Library (+1)

Green Dragon Lair (+1)
Green Dragon Lair (+1)

Gryphon Roost Inn (+2)
Gryphon Roost Inn (+2)

Hangar Bay
Hangar Bay

Haunted Dockside Tavern
Haunted Dockside Tavern

Haunted Ghost Ship Exterior (+4)
Haunted Ghost Ship Exterior (+4)

Hell's Cocktail Lounge
Hell's Cocktail Lounge

Hell's Tax Office (+3)
Hell's Tax Office (+3)

Hellfire Prison
Hellfire Prison

Impact Site (+1)
Impact Site (+1)

Imperial Bath Complex (+2)
Imperial Bath Complex (+2)

Inside a Bag of Holding (+3)
Inside a Bag of Holding (+3)

Japanese Castle Exterior
Japanese Castle Exterior

Jungle Cave Tunnel
Jungle Cave Tunnel

Jungle Temple Entrance (+1)
Jungle Temple Entrance (+1)

Magic Popup Shop
Magic Popup Shop

Magical Tournament Arena (+2)
Magical Tournament Arena (+2)

Mangrove Forest (+1)
Mangrove Forest (+1)

Marketplace Festival
Marketplace Festival

Mechanical Palace
Mechanical Palace

Medusa's Wake
Medusa's Wake

Modular Caves (+1)
Modular Caves (+1)

Monster Genealogy Lab (+1)
Monster Genealogy Lab (+1)

Motte and Bailey Castle
Motte and Bailey Castle

Mountaintop Altar (+1)
Mountaintop Altar (+1)

Mushroom Infested Mines
Mushroom Infested Mines

Mycelial Gate (+11)
Mycelial Gate (+11)

Necropolis Dungeon
Necropolis Dungeon

Oasis City
Oasis City

Ogre Queen Feast
Ogre Queen Feast

Opulent Ballroom (+7)
Opulent Ballroom (+7)

Orc Desert Camp (+2)
Orc Desert Camp (+2)

Overgrown Magic Forest (+1)
Overgrown Magic Forest (+1)

Pastoral Village Stables
Pastoral Village Stables

Pharaoh's Tomb
Pharaoh's Tomb

Pirate Port Tavern (+1)
Pirate Port Tavern (+1)

Plague Hospital
Plague Hospital

Pseudodragon Lair (+1)
Pseudodragon Lair (+1)

Remote Ice Village (+7)
Remote Ice Village (+7)

Rosehydra Crypt
Rosehydra Crypt

Royal Mine Town
Royal Mine Town

Royal Throne Room
Royal Throne Room

Ruined Courtyard
Ruined Courtyard

Salt Plains Observatory
Salt Plains Observatory

Secret Fey Fountain (+2)
Secret Fey Fountain (+2)

Secret Sailor Lair
Secret Sailor Lair

Serene Lakeside
Serene Lakeside

Sewer Tunnels
Sewer Tunnels

Shadowfell Fortress Bridge
Shadowfell Fortress Bridge

Solar Cathedral (+1)
Solar Cathedral (+1)

Temple Pastures
Temple Pastures

Temple of the Couatl Boss Room
Temple of the Couatl Boss Room

Thieves Guild Hideout
Thieves Guild Hideout

Tidal Isle Fort
Tidal Isle Fort

Tomb of Sand Interior
Tomb of Sand Interior

Train Station Concourse (+3)
Train Station Concourse (+3)

Victorian Greenhouse (+3)
Victorian Greenhouse (+3)

Warforged Titan Scrapyard (+1)
Warforged Titan Scrapyard (+1)

Wild West Saloon (+9)
Wild West Saloon (+9)

Windmill Farm
Windmill Farm

Wizard Prison Pt. 6 (+2)
Wizard Prison Pt. 6 (+2)

Wizard Vault (+15)
Wizard Vault (+15)

Wuxia Tavern (+2)
Wuxia Tavern (+2)

Yggdrasil Trunk (+6)
Yggdrasil Trunk (+6)