Baba Yaga's Domain: Interior
Baba Yaga's Domain: Interior

Necropolis Dungeon (+8)
Necropolis Dungeon (+8)

Baba Yaga's Domain (+1)
Baba Yaga's Domain (+1)

Bone Mill Interior
Bone Mill Interior

Bone Mill Lair (+2)
Bone Mill Lair (+2)

Bridge Town (+7)
Bridge Town (+7)

Cavern of the Venom Queen (+1)
Cavern of the Venom Queen (+1)

Dwarven Throne Hall
Dwarven Throne Hall

Fairy Treetop Village
Fairy Treetop Village

Fey Village (+11)
Fey Village (+11)

Gnome City Centre (+26)
Gnome City Centre (+26)

Grand Hunter's House (+1)
Grand Hunter's House (+1)

Harpy Cove (+12)
Harpy Cove (+12)

Medieval Jail
Medieval Jail

Modular Caves (+25)
Modular Caves (+25)

Mountaintop Observatory (+3)
Mountaintop Observatory (+3)

Oasis City
Oasis City

Open Ocean (+14)
Open Ocean (+14)

Pharaoh's Tomb (+1)
Pharaoh's Tomb (+1)

Pirate Port Tavern (+10)
Pirate Port Tavern (+10)

Spider Queen Throne (+13)
Spider Queen Throne (+13)

Train Station Concourse
Train Station Concourse

Train Station Platforms (+1)
Train Station Platforms (+1)

Void Dragon Lair (+3)
Void Dragon Lair (+3)

Warforged Titan Scrapyard (+1)
Warforged Titan Scrapyard (+1)

Yggdrasil Branch Overlook (+11)
Yggdrasil Branch Overlook (+11)

Abandoned Mine Entrance (+1)
Abandoned Mine Entrance (+1)

Abyssal Fall (+2)
Abyssal Fall (+2)

Adventurers' Guildhall (+1)
Adventurers' Guildhall (+1)

Ages of the Vale: Coaching House (+2)
Ages of the Vale: Coaching House (+2)

Ages of the Vale: Inn (+5)
Ages of the Vale: Inn (+5)

Ages of the Vale: Public House (+4)
Ages of the Vale: Public House (+4)

Airships! (+1)
Airships! (+1)

Airships! Pt. 2
Airships! Pt. 2

Alchemy Dungeon
Alchemy Dungeon

Ancient Hydra Lair (+1)
Ancient Hydra Lair (+1)

Ancient Wizard Lair (+5)
Ancient Wizard Lair (+5)

Antlion Canyon (+1)
Antlion Canyon (+1)

Beach Town (+1)
Beach Town (+1)

Beached Kraken (+11)
Beached Kraken (+11)

Beachside Bazaar (+2)
Beachside Bazaar (+2)

Beachside Cliff (+5)
Beachside Cliff (+5)

Beetle Tribe Canyon (+19)
Beetle Tribe Canyon (+19)

Blue Dragon Lair (+1)
Blue Dragon Lair (+1)

Bone Dryad Ossuary (+1)
Bone Dryad Ossuary (+1)

Bullywug Swamp (+3)
Bullywug Swamp (+3)

Celestial Realm (+2)
Celestial Realm (+2)

Chthonic Lighthouse (+2)
Chthonic Lighthouse (+2)

City Streets (+3)
City Streets (+3)

Colosseum of Challenges
Colosseum of Challenges

Coral Throne (+1)
Coral Throne (+1)

Court of Justice
Court of Justice

Crossroads (+2)
Crossroads (+2)

Dark Woods Edge (+2)
Dark Woods Edge (+2)

Deep Sea Hatching Chamber (+7)
Deep Sea Hatching Chamber (+7)

Deep Sea Organ
Deep Sea Organ

Depths of the Festerwood (+11)
Depths of the Festerwood (+11)

Drakescale Peak (+1)
Drakescale Peak (+1)

Drow Manor
Drow Manor

Elder Brain Lair
Elder Brain Lair

Eldritch Church
Eldritch Church

Experimental Surgery Theatre (+3)
Experimental Surgery Theatre (+3)

Fey Tavern (+17)
Fey Tavern (+17)

Floating Castle (+1)
Floating Castle (+1)

Flooded Fey Ruins
Flooded Fey Ruins

Forest Shrine Festival (+2)
Forest Shrine Festival (+2)

Fossil Caves (+1)
Fossil Caves (+1)

Geothermal Rift (+3)
Geothermal Rift (+3)

Grand Cathedral Interior
Grand Cathedral Interior

Green Dragon Lair
Green Dragon Lair

Grounded Castle (+4)
Grounded Castle (+4)

Hell's Tax Office (+9)
Hell's Tax Office (+9)

Hellfire Prison (+2)
Hellfire Prison (+2)

Impact Site
Impact Site

Inside a Bag of Holding
Inside a Bag of Holding

Kraken Stomach (+1)
Kraken Stomach (+1)

Lair of the Many Eyed God (+7)
Lair of the Many Eyed God (+7)

Lightning Rail Pt. 2
Lightning Rail Pt. 2

Magical Snowglobe (+15)
Magical Snowglobe (+15)

Mechanical Palace (+15)
Mechanical Palace (+15)

Midair Dragon Flight (+1)
Midair Dragon Flight (+1)

Monster Festival (+7)
Monster Festival (+7)

Monster Fighting Pit (+13)
Monster Fighting Pit (+13)

Monster Genealogy Lab
Monster Genealogy Lab

Monster Hunter Restaurant (+2)
Monster Hunter Restaurant (+2)

Moth God Temple (+19)
Moth God Temple (+19)

Mushroom Infested Mines (+3)
Mushroom Infested Mines (+3)

Mycelial Gate (+11)
Mycelial Gate (+11)

Nymph Fountain (+1)
Nymph Fountain (+1)

Opulent Ballroom
Opulent Ballroom

Overgrown Magic Forest (+5)
Overgrown Magic Forest (+5)

Pastoral Village Stables (+6)
Pastoral Village Stables (+6)

Pirate Lord's Lair
Pirate Lord's Lair

Pseudodragon Lair (+1)
Pseudodragon Lair (+1)

Realm of Dreams (+1)
Realm of Dreams (+1)

Remote Ice Village (+2)
Remote Ice Village (+2)

River Stronghold (+1)
River Stronghold (+1)

Ropebridge Chasm
Ropebridge Chasm

Rosehydra Crypt (+6)
Rosehydra Crypt (+6)

Royal Mine Town
Royal Mine Town

Serene Lakeside
Serene Lakeside

Shadowfell Fortress Bridge (+3)
Shadowfell Fortress Bridge (+3)

Shadowfell Fortress Interior (+7)
Shadowfell Fortress Interior (+7)

Solar Cathedral (+1)
Solar Cathedral (+1)

Steam Factory (+2)
Steam Factory (+2)

Steamy Japanese Bathhouse (+1)
Steamy Japanese Bathhouse (+1)

Temple of the Couatl Boss Room
Temple of the Couatl Boss Room

Tidal River
Tidal River

Tomb of Sand (+1)
Tomb of Sand (+1)

Tomb of Sand Interior
Tomb of Sand Interior

Treetop Dungeon
Treetop Dungeon

Tutelary Turtle Island (+19)
Tutelary Turtle Island (+19)

Twisted Tavern
Twisted Tavern

Village Bakery (+15)
Village Bakery (+15)

Wizard Prison Pt. 2
Wizard Prison Pt. 2

Wizard Prison Pt. 4 (+15)
Wizard Prison Pt. 4 (+15)

Wizard Prison Pt. 5 (+17)
Wizard Prison Pt. 5 (+17)

Wizard Prison Pt. 6 (+13)
Wizard Prison Pt. 6 (+13)

Wizard Vault (+2)
Wizard Vault (+2)

Wonderful Wizard Waterfall Interior
Wonderful Wizard Waterfall Interior

Yggdrasil Roots (+15)
Yggdrasil Roots (+15)

Zen Monastery (+3)
Zen Monastery (+3)