Palace Guard Chambers


Palace Guard Chambers map, Original Day variant thumbnail
Palace Guard Chambers map, Original Night variant thumbnail
Palace Guard Chambers map, Empty Day variant thumbnail
Palace Guard Chambers map, Empty Night variant thumbnail
Palace Guard Chambers map, Silent Night variant thumbnail
Palace Guard Chambers map, Autumn variant thumbnail
Palace Guard Chambers map, Desert variant thumbnail
Palace Guard Chambers map, Fey Forest variant thumbnail
Palace Guard Chambers map, Grass variant thumbnail
Palace Guard Chambers map, Massacre variant thumbnail
Palace Guard Chambers map, Rain variant thumbnail
Palace Guard Chambers map, Spring variant thumbnail
Palace Guard Chambers map, Winter variant thumbnail

Czepeku have created another brilliant urban battlemap, this time providing GMs with a detailed Palace Guard complex. Easily included as part of a larger palace, these guard chambers include everything needed to house, feed, and keep a palace guard company happy. Ascend the round towers, explore bedrooms, and witness the subtle details that hold the palace's secrets. Seek adventure in variations like 'Rain,' where the weather may herald unexpected events, or 'Massacre,' where a sinister plot may be unfolding.


Grid tiles

40 × 58

Grid size

140 pixels per tile

Image dimensions

5600 × 8120