Coral Throne

Original Day

Coral Throne Tokens
Coral Throne map, Original Day variant thumbnail
Coral Throne map, Original Night variant thumbnail
Coral Throne map, Coral Bleach Day variant thumbnail
Coral Throne map, Deep Sea variant thumbnail
Coral Throne map, Demogorgon variant thumbnail
Coral Throne map, Double Bridge variant thumbnail
Coral Throne map, Egg Spawn Day variant thumbnail
Coral Throne map, Egg Spawn Night variant thumbnail
Coral Throne map, King Slayer variant thumbnail
Coral Throne map, Pink Chroma Day variant thumbnail
Coral Throne map, Sea Hag Day variant thumbnail
Coral Throne map, Shark Feast variant thumbnail
Coral Throne map, Shark Gathering variant thumbnail
Coral Throne map, Shattered Bridge variant thumbnail
Coral Throne map, Silver Throne variant thumbnail
Coral Throne map, Sunset variant thumbnail

Explore the beauty of the deep seas or create rich maritime encounters with this map pack. The gorgeous colors of mother of pearl and coral glow within the deep blues of the water. As you explore the variations, you'll find yourself navigating double bridges, confronting the horrors of Demogorgon's realm, or witnessing the Egg Spawn. Whether your players are on a quest to claim the Silver Throne, facing a sea hag's curse, or surviving a shark gathering, these maps offer endless possibilities for thrilling aquatic adventures.


Grid tiles

29 × 44

Grid size

140 pixels per tile

Image dimensions

4060 × 6160