Ancient Battlefield

Camp Night

Ancient Battlefield map, Original Day variant thumbnail
Ancient Battlefield map, Original Night variant thumbnail
Ancient Battlefield map, Bloody Day variant thumbnail
Ancient Battlefield map, Camp Day variant thumbnail
Ancient Battlefield map, Camp Night variant thumbnail
Ancient Battlefield map, Fae Day variant thumbnail
Ancient Battlefield map, Goblin Camp Day variant thumbnail
Ancient Battlefield map, Goblin Camp Night variant thumbnail
Ancient Battlefield map, Hell Day variant thumbnail
Ancient Battlefield map, Magic Symbol Day variant thumbnail
Ancient Battlefield map, Magic Symbol Night variant thumbnail
Ancient Battlefield map, Poppy Day variant thumbnail
Ancient Battlefield map, Rain Day variant thumbnail
Ancient Battlefield map, Spring Day variant thumbnail
Ancient Battlefield map, Swampy Day variant thumbnail
Ancient Battlefield map, Winter Day variant thumbnail

This map is a perfect mystery or piece of history for your world. What happened? Who once sat on this ancient throne? What manner of creature did these bones once belong to? The dilapidated stone foundations, weathered statues, and growing moss give this map the sense of time long past. Use the campfire or goblin camp variant to add life. Or transfer your players into hell or the fae planes if they choose to sit on the throne. The weight of time hangs heavy over this ancient battlefield. Use the variations give your world the depth it deserves.


Grid tiles

25 × 45

Grid size

140 pixels per tile

Image dimensions

3500 × 6300