City Marketplace

Cultist Spell Night

City Marketplace Tokens
City Marketplace map, Original Day variant thumbnail
City Marketplace map, Original Night variant thumbnail
City Marketplace map, Bonfire Day variant thumbnail
City Marketplace map, Bonfire Night variant thumbnail
City Marketplace map, Cat Shark Haul Day variant thumbnail
City Marketplace map, Cat Shark Haul Night variant thumbnail
City Marketplace map, Circus Day variant thumbnail
City Marketplace map, Circus Night variant thumbnail
City Marketplace map, Cultist Spell Night variant thumbnail
City Marketplace map, Fighting Stage Day variant thumbnail
City Marketplace map, Fighting Stage Night variant thumbnail
City Marketplace map, Gallows Day variant thumbnail
City Marketplace map, Gallows Night variant thumbnail
City Marketplace map, Ghost Ship Night variant thumbnail
City Marketplace map, Original Empty Day variant thumbnail
City Marketplace map, Original Empty Night variant thumbnail
City Marketplace map, Rain Day variant thumbnail
City Marketplace map, Snowy Midnight Night variant thumbnail

Is your party looking for something specific? Or have they arrived just in time for a festival? Make use of the bonfire or circus variants to create an atmosphere of celebration. Use the cultist variant to build suspense and fear. Perhaps the party must save someone from the gallows. Or they are participating in the fighting competition. Trips into the city can be as exciting as trips into a dungeon. Use the 18 variations of this map individually, or to show the passage of time when players return to the city.


Grid tiles

23 × 36

Grid size

140 pixels per tile

Image dimensions

3220 × 5040