Written by: Teun, Founder of Dungeon Decks
5e Alchemy is the ultimate alchemy system for the 5th Edition of your favorite tabletop RPG. With three unique decks of ingredients and potions and over 150 available cards, you can make endless custom potion combinations with our flexible player driven system. Integrate alchemy into your game in minutes with pick up and play rules!
You can get 5e Alchemy now on Kickstarter!
Czepeku maps are ideal for integrating Alchemy into your game. The many colorful maps can offer great places for players to search for ingredients. Czepeku maps also make for interesting tactical combat encounters further enhanced by the 5e Alchemy system. Our favorite map is of course the Alchemy Dungeon. Below you can read how Alchemy Ingredients might be found on this or any other map.
Falko opened the thick oaken door into his old lab. The screeching of the rusted hinges echoed throughout the chamber beyond. It had been years since the King’s Men had raided the place. The dull sounds of his footsteps were only matched by the sound of rain outside.
As Falko inspected his old pantry he discovered some dried Ironheart Leaves on the top shelf. He quickly took them: "Of course those brutes hadn’t known their value", Falko thought to himself. As he moved further through the pantry he discovered Emerald Saddle growing in the corner of the room. Knowing the healing value of these mushrooms he took out his knife and harvested a few of them. "Might need these soon", he muttered to himself.
After some time idly wandering the lab he came to his old brewing set up. Broken glass covered the table. None of this was functional anymore. "It’s going to take many a fortnight to get this place up and running’’, he thought.
Suddenly, the sound of shattering glass filled the air. Falko gripped his quarterstaff tightly as he spun around. He was not alone…
You can grab the Dungeon Alchemy map pack, including all variations, by becoming a Patron or by picking it up at the Czepeku Store.